10 Most Popular Real Estate Websites of 2021 second half year - megveszLAK.hu

10 Most Popular Real Estate Websites of 2021 second half year

10 Most Popular Real Estate Websites of 2021 second half year
2021.12.31. péntek
668 megtekintés

Real estate listing sites have been attracting a lot of visitors for years. According to National Association of Realtors statistics, 95% of new home seekers search for property online and 51% of buyers found their homes on the internet. With many real estate websites available, buyers can look at many homes from the comfort of their own homes. Let's see which real estate listing site is more popular and why.

Top Real Estate websites average visits (million) of 2021 second half year

Statistics provided by similarweb.com. The similarweb.com provides web analytics services and offers its users information on their clients' and competitors' web traffic and performance.

Top Real Estate websites average visits (million) of 2021 second half year

The ranking shows the average of traffic data for the last six months. The Zillow.hu 292,83 million visitors accounted for 42% of all visits of the 10 real estate listing sites. In second place is realtor.com with 152.58 million visitors. The third step on the podium was redfin.com with 86.68 million visitors.

Apartments.com led in the first 3 months ahead of trulia.com, then the order was reversed for the second three months. Looking at the average, however, apartments.com is 54.83 million ahead of trulia.com (51.60 million).


Launched in 2006, Zillow.com is the most visited real estate website. There are more than 135 million properties in its database. Zillow offers the most robust suite of tools for buyers, sellers, landlords, renters, agents, and other home professionals. Their signature Zestimate will show You the listing price, the approximate rental rate and the estimated market value.


The second most visited realtor.com works closely with the National Association of Realtors, making them a professional and trustworthy place to start looking for a property. You can search for realtor among more than one million agents on realtor.com. Properties are updated regularly by realtors.


The third most visited real estate website is the redfin.com. On the redfin.com for 1% listing fee you can receive the help of a local Redfin Agent, who create professional photos and a 3D walkthrough, give you a yard sign and premium placement on Redfin.com too. For 2% Listing Fee you can get a custom home improvement plan, vetted service providers, and cost coverage for project management, deep cleaning, professional staging, and decluttering.


The fourth Apartments.com is one of the more comprehensive search engines out there for rentals. Apartments.com was purchased by CoStar Group in 2014. Of its one million listings, half of them have been visited, photographed, and validated by in-house CoStar researchers. On apartments.com there are renter reviews and info on nearby shops, restaurants, banks, groceries and coffee shops.


The fifth Trulia makes it as easy as possible to find a property that exactly matches that picture you have in your mind of your next home. Trulia is a subsidiary of Zillow. Trulia’s mobile app is powerful, simple, and easy to use.


Movoto is a full-service company that offers a team of agents who are experienced in all phases of real estate. Through the movoto's website, you can pull up statistics on houses which are for sale and also for those which have already sold. This gives you an idea of what homes in the area are selling for and also, how long they have been on the market and when they were listed.


The homes.com site fills its pages with homes from the MLS and other real estate sites. There is a search engine for comparing homes in your search area. Homes.com allows you to take a shot of a home you like and homes.com will find similar homes in the area.


Remax.com is not a real estate listing website like the others on the list. The re/max franchises and agents available in all 50 states, you’re sure to find house that specializes in your city and specific needs.


Century 21 aims to reform the perceptions buyers and sellers have of real estate agents, who are often distrusted. You can find lots of information about a local area, including in-depth demographic data and information about schools and weather.

Century 21 agents help you make the right decisions when it comes to buying, which take you straight from the process of choosing a house to closing the deal and together, you’ll create a marketing plan, add value to your home before selling, set the right price, and show your home at its best.


Coldwell Banker has been in the real estate business since 1906, making it one of the oldest companies in the area in North America. CBx is new Coldwell Banker technology that provides more accurate pricing, uses big data to locate the right buyers for your home, and strategically markets your property by focusing on only the most qualified prospective buyers. You can also find a summary of the articles from megveszLAK at linktr.ee.

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